Engaging Your Audience Through Immersive Campaigns
Advertising has made a substantial switch from print media to digital consumption in the last 25 years, allowing for new forms of marketing to emerge. One good example of this is experiential marketing. This technique is used to promote overall brand awareness through experiences and real time engagement. By reaching out to the consumer before the purchase event, consumers are exposed to a brand in a more organic nature.
When most campaigns are hosted online or within a private digital space, businesses and advertisers miss the opportunity to engage with their consumers on a basic interactive level. Through immersive marketing, advertisers are able to see the direct result of their hard work and creativity.
With the rise of OTT services, social media platforms, and overstimulation in our society, traditional ads go ignored. Experiential marketing helps break away from the norm and allows marketers to hit the streets—literally.
Over 30 years ago, the Blizzard was born and with this came a promise; DQ’s signature confection must be served upside down to prove its delicious creaminess. In 2016 they re-enforced this policy with the creation of their “Upside Down or Free” campaign. Kicking it off, they created an inverted experience for any DQ lover, equipped with acrobats, ice cream, and a reassurance in their brand. Overall the campaign garnered almost 5 million interactions and created an experience like none other.
To demonstrate a Mini’s ability to receive real time traffic updates, the British car company sponsored interactive billboards throughout Berlin. By building an immersive experience, German pedestrians were shown the value of shortened daily commutes. Mini was able to create an engaging campaign that had users thinking twice about how they moved through their city.
With destinations all over Europe, the French national rail service wanted travelers to know that their routes extended past French borders. With this in mind, they created a user experience that educated consumers through interactive displays. Creating portals to new cities, users were able to see where they could choose to vacation next, via train.
A company that understands its users and how to work the internet, Mailchimp created a campaign that took the world by storm. With a platform that can be used by all, Mailchimp wanted to approach potential users on a personal level. They designed engaging experiences like contests, short films, and snack foods. Through different presentations, they were able to reach multiple targeted audiences with the same message.
When most advertising has switched to digital consumption, it is nice to take a break and see the interaction between consumers and businesses. Inspired or know a really great interactive campaign? Comment below to let us know.