Mersive Technologies | Packaging Designer | 2021

Sustainable Packaging Design to Enhance the Customer Experience

Mersive Technologies set out to redesign their product packaging to be more eco-friendly and user-friendly, under the new branding. Ciara, the lead designer, played a crucial role in this project. She came up with a smart idea to cut down on paper waste by using digital solutions.


The previous packaging design relied heavily on multiple paper inserts to provide instructions and product information to users in various languages, as required by European regulations. This approach not only increased paper waste but also led to bulkier packaging, contributing to higher transportation costs and a larger carbon footprint. The challenge was to redesign the packaging in a way that would reduce environmental impact while ensuring that customers still received the necessary product information in an accessible and user-friendly manner.


  1. Reduce paper usage and the company’s overall carbon footprint.

  2. Modernize the customer experience by incorporating digital elements.

  3. Comply with European regulations for multi-language instructions.

  4. Enhance brand recognition through updated packaging.


Ciara proposed a forward-thinking solution to replace the traditional paper manuals with a QR code that directs users to a digital manual. This idea, popularized during the COVID-19 pandemic for its minimalistic and contactless nature, presented an opportunity to dramatically reduce paper waste. The redesign involved:

  • Developing a new box design that eliminated the need for additional paper inserts by incorporating a single, prominently placed QR code.

  • Creating a digital platform accessible via the QR code, which provided comprehensive product instructions in multiple languages, thereby ensuring compliance with European regulations and enhancing the customer onboarding experience.

  • Gathering feedback from customers and stakeholders during the design process to ensure the new packaging met user needs and company objectives.

  • Implementing sustainable materials in the packaging design to further reduce the environmental impact.


  • Paper usage was reduced by 33%, surpassing the initial sustainability goals and significantly lowering the company's carbon footprint.

  • Lowered printing costs by $0.77 per box.

  • Customer satisfaction increased, with feedback highlighting the ease of access to digital manuals and the positive impact of the company's environmental efforts.

  • Compliance with regulations was maintained, as the digital platform provided all necessary product information in multiple languages without additional paper.

  • Brand perception improved, as the new packaging and digital integration emphasized Mersive Technologies' commitment to innovation and sustainability.


Mersive Technologies' packaging redesign project stands as a testament to the power of innovative thinking in addressing environmental challenges while enhancing the customer experience. By embracing digital solutions and reimagining the packaging design, the company not only achieved its sustainability goals but also strengthened its brand identity and market position. This initiative demonstrates the significant impact that thoughtful design and customer-centric approaches can have on both the environment and business success, setting a precedent for future sustainability efforts within the industry.


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